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- (2025.01.30) - ZERO PLUS ZERO IS ZERO
The hypnosis show goes on.. Europe is a dead-man walking, exactly like Ukraine.. both these artificial and putrid nonentities will be dismembered.. therefore it's better to stay ready in order to soften the catastrophic blow that is coming.
Common people have been brainwashed and programmed to be even suicidal in order to protect their oppressors at all costs; such an achievement has been possible thanks to one of the most powerful, but also most unethical, hypnotic techniques.. fortunately, there is a way to escape even this dangerous and evil trance.. unfortunately, the path for safety, that is awakening from this trance, is the exact reversal of the hypnogenic procedure, and consequently it too is highly unethical and full of pain.. this is why many people will die, killed by their blind trust in the worst and most hostile propaganda, but the great majority will endure and fight the undue pain, and will certainly survive.. in hypnosis nothing is as it seems, and victims can easily become executioners: in fact many sheeple (sheep people), not only will ultimately kill themselves, but in the course of their attempts they will also try to destroy the life of any dissentient person. All this is already happening. It's the great awakening. For many, but not for all.
Because of the too-high, out-of-the-market, costs of the "green" energy, in Europe the car industry is collapsing, steel enterprises are closing, chemical and glass plants are in agony, even Germany is kaput (fucked), and the quality of life in Europe is quickly and dangerously worsening.. thousands of people are thrown out into the streets in full poverty, while European bureaucrats and plutocrats look the other way and continue to destroy people's lives.. France is losing it's grip and power on Africa, and it is going bankrupt because its colonies of slaves are no longer willing to be exploited.. so, what could possibly go wrong in Europe??
The banana-republic show goes on.. and you, what future would you vote for? This one (JPG, 42 KB) or this other one (JPG, 72 KB)?
After the covid scam, that greatly enriched the health care system while damaging and killing many people just for money, the trust in these so-called "medical doctors" has collapsed (JPG, 307 KB).
To endure an unbearable reality many people are using the negation of reality, but obviously the consequences of reality continue to manifest themselves, increasing the distance and the difference between what one wants to believe and what is instead real.. and so denying reality becomes more and more tiring and stressful, and soon also the denial will become as unbearable as the reality that one wants to deny; in this case the trauma is the most effective hypnotic technique in order to awaken people. Sometimes pain is liberating.. so be ready and don't be afraid.. it's happening! A hypno-hug to all.
Imagine.. nobody signs the informed consent for the "safe and effective" injections, and therefore the "vaccinazi" cannot inject, and therefore without the injection nobody can go to work, and therefore the work stops, and therefore the economy stops, and therefore the society stops, and therefore everything stops, and therefore the medical dictatorship is defeated by the people, and therefore (even if the single sheep is torn into pieces by the wolf) the herd of sheeps can kill the wolf, and therefore every slaughter into the sheepfold is a fault also of the sheeps and not just of the wolf.
The way out of a mass hypnosis is possible only if the "collective unconscious" is pushed forward into the awakening.. and since the planetary trance is exactly this (PNG, 161 KB), my hypnotic message for your unconscious mind is the following: "the prison is maintained by the prisoners, and therefore the conscious mind cannot accept the solution to the problem".
These people (PDF, 1072 KB) accept this (PDF, 1533 KB). Did you buy the ticket? Well, then now enjoy your show (JPG, 355 KB)!
African slaves are rebelling against their masters (JPG, 172 KB) and against masters' currency (JPG, 86 KB), and also the European psychopaths must surrender to the evidence that the "green" fraud is unsustainable (JPG, 155 KB).
Goodbye also to the US dollar.. (PNG, 12 KB), (PNG, 21 KB), (PNG, 52 KB).
Goodbye to euro (PNG, 36 KB), and goodbye to european "union" (PNG, 37 KB).
Texas (US) is revolting against the Supreme Court order to keep the borders open for illegal immigrants (the second American Revolution is officially started); in Europe many farmers with tractors are on the warpath against their criminal governments (the de-nazification of Europe is in full swing); in the Middle East, the UK has officially withdrawn the Balfour Declaration (the original state of Israel does not exist any longer); in China the communist party is facing an unprecedented crisis of its real estate (China Evergrande Group, the world biggest real estate company, is bankrupt, and the Chinese financial system is collapsing); in Iran the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei will be removed (the country will be able to flourish); and all over the world the shocking truth about criminal medicine is emerging (covid "vaccines" have never been "vaccines", and this justifies the urgent need of avoiding at any cost the doctors that in 2024 still persist in promoting these "vaccines", because such behavior is extremely dangerous for public health, and can be considered expression and consequence of an unacceptable and scaring level of corruption, evil, and recklessness).
- (2023.12.30) - THE BABY WILL WIN!
Human traffickers (JPG, 1703 KB) have always existed, but now the battle is raging (JPG, 125 KB), and the geographical map of the Middle East is about to change drastically (PDF, 627 KB).
- (2023.11.30) - IT'S TIME TO DIE
There are those who die suicidal (because of lethal injections, that are all but "safe and effective"), and those who die for reasons independent of their will (PNG, 114 KB).. the only certain thing is that in these times you die with extreme ease if you are not careful; in biology it is said that "the price [to pay] for survival is vigilance".
- (2023.10.31) - AND NOW IT IS ISRAEL'S TURN
"We are saving ISRAEL for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q".
Technically, the "Ukrainian" war is still going on, but actually the outcome is already absolutely certain and clear. Ukraine has "lost". Let's get ready for witnessing the most unthinkable events in the near future, because the time has come to see big turns of events.
Tomorrow the BRICS summit begins, and probably Saudi Arabia will be accepted as member.. this event will unleash a global financial chaos never seen before, because it will establish the end of the "petro-dollar" as world reference currency. And maybe it will start also the end for the institutional terrorists that have set up the covid scam (2020), the "vaccines" fraud (2021), the money-for-Ukraine con (2022), and now the climate hoax (2023) in order to impose the "carbon tax". The showdown for these psychopaths and for their crimes against the humanity is getting closer.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and no comments are needed (JPG, 269 KB).. the show goes on, and it serves to wake people up, because, fortunately, both covid Nazi medicine and delusional climate engineering were partially blocked during a military operation more than two years ago, and in fact in 2021 I published here, on my little blog, in the post 2021.05.31, a document (PDF, 5665 KB) that describes the military operation, and reveals that the covid aggression was only the first half of the movie in the theater, followed by the second half, the climate aggression.. obviously, the purpose is always the same.. the carbon they want to get rid of is us. These people are sick...they are psychopathic buffoons, like those clowns in certain horror movies, with as much makeup and disguise as they are dangerous and perverted...but in the end, with the help of god, good and peace will win against evil and war...it's just a matter of time, patience, and faith.
Silvio Berlusconi, one of the most powerful Italian politicians, wanted to impose the "covid" injections on everyone, especially on children at school, and he lost his life because of those same injections. In September 2020, at the age of 84 years, he got covid, and as a precaution he was hospitalized for ten days; then, in March 2021, he got the first dose of the covid "vaccine", and immediately he ended up in hospital for a couple of days; then, in April 2021, he got the second dose of the "vaccine", and he had to stay in hospital almost the entire month (from 6th to 30th, that is twenty-four days!) and, after that, he never recovered from the consequences of the "vaccine"; then, in November 2021, he got the third dose, and in December 2021 he ended up in hospital again, and this time he was diagnosed with leukemia; eighteen months later, in June 2023, he died. A universal principle (call it "karma", if you want) says: "do not do unto others what you do not want to be done unto you".
In the ancient medicine it was said: "sola dose facit venenum" [only dosage makes venom, that is the effect depends on the administered quantity]. And so even a life-saving drug like acetyl-salicylic acid (aspirin) can kill millions of people if used by doctors in lethal doses, as it happened during the 1918-19 pandemic (PDF, 748 KB). Another example of reckless usage of drugs pertains to paracetamol (panadol), which, if administered to young kids, can cause many neurological and psychiatric damages, sometimes even serious, autism included (PNG, 90 KB). And finally there is a popular saying that recites: "he who has nothing to hide hides nothing". And then why the pfizer covid "vaccine" contains a genetic sequence (undeclared by the manufacturer) of the SV40 virus, which promotes both the cancer and the integration of the oncogenic viral DNA into the human DNA? (PDF, 2141 KB).
- (2023.04.29) - CRIMINAL MEDICINE?
After the implementation of the covid "vaccine" mandates in the workplace there has been the appearance of excess deaths, among young people, never seen before, and that continues to grow (PDF, 808 KB), but who dares to talk about it on the mass media (PDF, 55563 KB) is immediately stopped even at a cost of big economic losses (PDF, 184 KB), maybe because genocide is an act of war, and as such it is handled by military tribunals to execute the traitors (PDF, 205 KB). Delirious fantasies or harsh reality? Soon we will find out!
From Matthew, 7:15-20: "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them". And so, here you are some fruits.
For our and others' protection, let's all wear a face mask, which not only has zero protection against viruses, but is also highly toxic for our organism (PDF, 42 KB).. and in order to be able to continue to work, let's all get the covid "vaccine", which actually makes many "vaccinated" people sick and unable to work (PDF, 962 KB) or even kills them (PDF, 39 KB). You are warned: you can recognize the false prophets by their bad fruits.
There are many actors on the stage, as the fake US president, Biden (who does not have the control of the US military), or as the two Zelensky that appear together even publicly (PNG, 183 KB); and also the puppet show of the pandemic too goes on, by changing name in order to create a new fake health emergency; in fact previously they called it covid, and now they will call it influenza H1N1 or something like that (PNG, 423 KB); sadly though, this stage, set up by criminal psychopaths, is very dangerous, and therefore it is a must to pay attention; for example, since pregnant women were administered the so-called "covid vaccine", an exponential increase of miscarriages and stillbirths has occurred, that kill the babies even before their birth, in such a way supplying pharmaceutical companies a large amount of human fetal tissues at a very low cost that are used for the production of other fake "vaccines" (PNG, 23 KB); at this point of the hypnosis show, I can't do anything but warn the public that the big finale is coming, and as a biologist I highlight that the price for surviving is the vigilance, and therefore who mistakes true dangers for fictional ones risks to die prematurely (PNG, 118 KB).
Exactly one year ago (08 Feb 2022) Luc Montagnier, physician and Nobel prize in medicine, died. In his memory I wish to do two things: (1) first of all, to spread a paper that Luc considered very important, and that he wanted to be made public with urgency, where it is proved that the fake covid "vaccines" can cause a sudden death by means of a fulminating form of a prionic illness induced by the injection (PNG, 162 KB); and then (2) to resume one of his papers, published in 22 Jun 2015 (DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1036072), where Luc and his team discovered that certain emissions of electromagnetic waves (similar to those used in mobile phones) not only can, through liquid water, transmit harmful infections, but can even cause the generation of the genetic material of the pathogenic agent (bacteria or viruses) even when such genetic material is absent. Enjoy the reading, but pay attention, because the text has been written by a genius, and thus it is not immediately understandable (PNG, 188 KB).
At last, truth always prevails (PDF, 303 KB). The explanation is in front of everyone's eyes, but it is visible only for those that are willing to open their eyes (GIF, 95 KB; PDF, 365 KB; PNG, 37 KB; PNG, 71 KB; PDF, 3799 KB; PDF, 3908 KB; PDF, 732 KB).
The poisons wrongly called "anti-covid vaccines" can damage an organism in unthinkable ways (PNG, 96 KB), and the "vaccinated" can contaminate both the environment and others with the toxic material contained into the "vaccines" (PNG, 73 KB); in addition, autopsies have proven that in some cases the so-called "vaccines" caused the death by inducing lethal cardiac arrhythmias (PNG, 83 KB), and indeed another study confirms that the "vaccine" increases the mortality of myocarditis (PNG, 85 KB); and finally there are worrying signals suggesting an association between the "vaccine" and serious illnesses (pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and immune thrombocytopenia) to the detriment of people aged 65 years and older, but since, in the opinion of the authors of the scientific paper, these data are still not undeniable proofs, in the meantime it is possible to continue to inject the "magic serum" into the people (PDF, 884 KB), despite the fact that we already know that the viral spike protein coded into the "vaccines" facilitates the formation of clots that are resistant against their dissolution (PNG, 124 KB). At this point, it is time to ask questions and to raise concerns, and in fact even the billionaire Elon Musk invites to discover the truth, and suggests to "follow" the rabbit (JPG, 35 KB), and to search more information on this topic of the rabbit (PNG, 44 KB). In fact a war is ongoing to alter our DNA and to promote the coagulation of our blood, and therefore we must protect ourselves in order to avoid death and survive (PNG, 64 KB). And remember: the news, good or bad, are mere propaganda of the parties, and therefore manipulated or in part false or fictional (PNG, 140 KB), while the war (between the many normal human beings and the few richest paychopathic criminals that are also owners of almost all the politicians and journalists) is true and real. In any case, don't believe to anybody and anything, use logical reasoning, and above all have faith in humanity, because good people will win the war. A final note: what you have already read is aimed to promote an activity of hypnotic trance that is able to facilitate the best possible awakening.
Here you are the 2022 version of "Alice in wonderland": hoax (PDF, 293 KB), lobotomy (PDF, 21 KB), roboparasite (MP4, 18 MB), modified human DNA (PNG, 22 KB), map of the south pole (JPG, 348 KB). It's the biggest hypnosis of all time.
In this moment for many people the biggest threat to democracy is the information from mainstream media (PNG, 41 KB), that still call "vaccine" a military weapon (PDF, 36 KB), and try to hide that the killer weapon has been injected into the most part of the population (PNG, 52 KB), and still talk of military support to Kiev (Ukraine) despite the fact that Zelensky, very probably, has already escaped from a war that was lost since the beginning (PNG, 143 KB), and still talk of a mandatory covid "vaccine" when an American Supreme Court has stated that it is an arbitrary and unfounded mandate, because the jab does not protect from contagion (PDF, 332 KB). In short, we are into the eye of the storm, in the total chaos, and the sole thing to keep in mind is that in the end the good will win over the evil, but in order for this to happen scary events are necessary, because people are divided, weak, and like sheeps, and the only way to make them united, strong, and assertive is to make life conditions unbearable. So then have faith, stay calm, sit back, buckle up, and pass through the horror show, because soon the shit will hit the fan.
- (2022.09.30) - "VACCINATION" OR POISONING?
Several years ago a genetic sequence that makes coronaviruses a lot more harmful for the human beings has been patented (PDF, 575 KB), and in the so-called covid "vaccine" there are highly toxic nanoparticulates (PDF, 1190 KB); in addition, autopsies have proven that the so-called covid "vaccines" cause very serious harms (PDF, 3482 KB), and the mRNA in the vials very often is not intact (PDF, 223 KB); and finally the spike protein of the virus persists for months in the lungs after infection, and in the whole body after injection of the so-called "vaccine" (PDF, 164 KB). The harsh reality is emerging, and nothing can stop the consequences that are coming.
- (2022.08.30) - MAYBE THE WAR IS NEAR THE END
The worldwide nazism that people are now fighting has mainly the support of criminal medicine (that is the most part of the health-care system) and the acquiescence of at least half of the world population, which seems definitely to be weak minded, lacking resources and skills, mentally and physically abused, not fighting, controlled by the extremely powerful artificial intelligence built in the smartphones, and almost unable to reason and/or to take decisions independently. Unfortunately, many of these people eventually will be died or harmed very badly, and there will be many many casualties of this world war three. But fortunately, the two worst weaknesses of the current nazi are that they are openly psychopaths, and that the dollar (owned by them) now is doomed to lose very quickly its role of global currency. This process will crush also the euro currency and especially the European economy and society. Maybe, within few months, there will be no more riots, no civil wars, no assassinations of some high-profile institutional criminals, but probably public mass arrests and widespread awareness of the harsh reality. In any case, if we want to know what will actually happen then of course we must survive.
In Italy the right to work is acquired by birth, and no authority of the government is allowed to deprive, of such constitutional right, those who are unwilling to get in their arm an injection of a biological weapon (protected by military secrecy) that doesn't produce any benefit to the collectivity, and rather causes only further detrimental damages that in many cases are even lethal (PDF, 48 KB).
Bad news for satanists, pedophiles, pedovores (cannibals that eat children), traffickers of human beings (and of human organs and of pregnant girls), and big pharma companies (great buyers of human cells, tissues, organs, and fetuses): in fact the carefree abortion is doomed, at least in the USA, and the respect for human life is resurging (PDF, 107 KB).
- (2022.05.24) - "Q" IS THE FIRST HALF, "Z" IS THE SECOND HALF
The great awakening (through hints, questions, doubts, weird facts, and absurd realities) is just the first half of the movie, and it has pretty much come to completion; now we are about to enter the second half of the movie which is what we all have been waiting for (a full revelation of treason at the highest level, of crimes against humanity, and of pure evil in plain sight). That part is a disclosure of everything, and the shock and disbelief caused by the forthcoming truth just might be unbearable for many many people. As a transition or step from Q to Z you may meditate on the following documents: PDF (197 KB), PDF (617 KB), and PDF, 325 KB).
The Court of Administrative Justice of Sicily has forwarded the case to the Italian Constitutional Court, concerning the unconstitutionality of mandatory covid "vaccination" imposed, in this specific case, on the medical staff. But the explanatory statements affect mandatory vaccination in its entirety. According to the Court of Administrative Justice of Sicily, mandatory vaccination is unconstitutional. This 53-page ruling will surely put pressure on the Constitutional Court. The latter will not be able to preserve the mandatory vaccination and the Government's stances, unless it makes a politicized ruling. They already acted upon it, nominating Giuliano Amato, a politician, as president of the Constitutional Court. The explanatory statements of the constitutional issue are grounded on the terrifying adverse effects of the "vaccines". The criterion set by the Constitutional Court for compulsory medical treatments to be enforced is not likely to include a quantitative evaluation. So the lawfulness of a mandatory vaccination is to be excluded if the effects on the vaccinated patients' health exceed the threshold of normal tolerability, which cannot include the risk of serious or fatal adverse effects, even if these are small portion in relation to the "vaccinated" population. In fact, who would determine the percentage of disposable citizens? It is indisputable. Otherwise it results in Nazism. Let's wait for the ruling!
In 16 December 2021 the General Assembly of the United nations has adopted the Resolution A/RES/76/149 for fighting nazism; among the total voting membership (193), 130 voted YES to fighting nazism, 49 abstained, 12 did not vote, and 2 voted NO to fighting nazism (these 2 are the administration of Biden in USA and the administration of Zelensky in Ukraine); the whole Europe (except 2 nations) abstained from fighting nazism; the only two European votes against nazism have been those of Belarus and Serbia (PDF, 609 KB).
(1) today is Tuesday, the day of "Tues", from the old English "Tiwes", which is the genitive of "Tiw", the god of the sky, differentiated specifically as "Tiu", the ancient Germanic "god of war"; in Latin the god of war is "Mars", and "dies Martis" (day of Mars), is martedi' (in Italian) and mardi (in French). (2) exactly today, Tuesday 22 February 2022, it would be 22 years and 222 days (22222) from the date of the so-called "death" in a plane crash of JFK (John Fitzgerald Kennedy) Junior, on 16 July 1999; maybe you know that JFK Jr was the son of the US President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963 because he tried to oppose a worldwide criminal banking system; his son, JFK Jr, allegedly died, but some people believe that he secretly survived and has carried on the Q movement (Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset, which his father President John F. Kennedy formed and was murdered for), and that he also formed the worldwide Military Alliance, Special Forces and White Hats, and they even claim that JFK Jr is presently serving as vice president to President Trump of the US Restored Republic (sworn in July 4, 2021 at Mount Rushmore). The Military Alliance started off as 17 Militaries [Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, hence the name "Q"] (Elite Forces): Australia, France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, North Korea, and USA. Now there are over 140 Militaries involved (including the UN). Well, let's wait and see in order to figure out what is the actual truth. (3) today is a special date because 22-02-2022 is palindrome (if read from left to right, it remains the same when read from right to left); let's therefore abbreviate it as 22222. (4) astrologists say that the planet Pluto moves into 27 degrees Capricorn on February 22, 2022 (abbreviated as 22222), and that this is the exact degree and sign that Pluto was in during the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, which many people consider the birth and founding of the United States of America! In astrology Pluto is known for shaking up the dynamics during its transit and pushing things to breakdown and reform, and astrologists predict that this will bring restoration for the good of mankind; Pluto, the planet of transformation, actually entered into capricorn on November 27, 2008, however, it has taken this long for it to return to 27 degrees. (5) it seems that in 22222 (in the day of the god of war and in the day of return of Pluto on US), we are at the verge of the world war 3, which is apparently focused on Russia-Ukraine conflict, and NATO-Russia tension, but is actually also hinged on the fall of the old corrupted financial system and on the setup of a new system. Do you believe in coincidences?
"Rest" (PNG, 106 KB) "in" (PDF, 8591 KB) "peace" (PNG, 85 KB).. "amen!" (MP4, 13854 KB).
The Bible (Revelations 18:23) explains why the great Babylon falls: "for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy pharmacy were all nations deceived". In short it says that the two roots of evil (and the reasons of its prophesied final fall) are the richest merchants (masters of the world through slavery and human trafficking) and the poisonous medicines (fraudulent medical therapies; in fact the original word in the Greek translation of the Bible is "farmakia" or "farmakeia", which has three meanings: medicine, poison, and sorcery). Soon the entire world will change radically, and this gigantic event will be biblical!
- (2021.11.29) - AWAKENING PILLS
The most recent scientific literature suggests the following: the well-known aspirin is rather effective against covid and can avoid the intensive care unit admission (PNG, 0.1 MB); the spike protein of sarscov2 damages the DNA and the immune system (PNG, 0.1 MB); covid "vaccines" cause serious alterations (PNG, 0.1 MB) and increase the risk of cardiovascular problems (PNG, 0.1 MB); the at-least-60-year-old "vaccinated" get symptomatic covid more and more (PNG, 0.1 MB); the "vaccinated" continue to spread the virus (PNG, 0.2 MB); the risk of contagion already increases just 90 days after the second "vaccine" injection (PNG, 0.1 MB); and, lastly, the double-dose "vaccinated" are spreading also the newest African variant ("omicron") of sarscov2 virus (JPG, 0.2 MB).
- (2021.10.30) - IT'S TIME TO DIE
It seems that as long as a national emergency is going (the "covid" in this case), in USA several executive orders and presidential emergency action documents (signed in the past by Donald Trump) cannot be stopped by anybody; this means that Joe Biden is actually a fake POTUS (President Of The United States), because he is forced to do certain things and is prevented by the military from doing other things (for example Biden can't declare the end of the national emergency, and he can't even say anything about the 2020 US presidential election fraud). The old western world, Europe obviously included, is crumbling in front of our eyes, and during this historical and very dangerous moment there is a concrete risk of serious damages or death for unimaginable or futile or incredible or unexpected reasons if people don't keep their eyes well open. This is a global non conventional war, that can be survived to only by keeping a spiritual integrity (a necessary but not sufficient condition), and therefore here it is useful to get support from the biblical wisdom (Ephesians 6:11-12): "put on the whole armour of god, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil; for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
- (2021.09.21) - C.O.V.I.D.
On the ground of the abundant scientific and legal information discussed in previous posts, and on the basis of the further information added in this last document (PDF, 10.3 MB), it seems perfectly logical and rational to infere the conclusion that the so-called covid "vaccines" don't protect but rather seriously debilitate the body, and for this reason it's absolutely legitimate, at the moment, to consider the term "COVID" as acronym of (C)rime (O)f (V)accine (I)nduced (D)iseases; and in fact several survivors of the Shoah (and therefore maximum experts of nazism), wrote to EMA asking to stop the covid "vaccines" and warning that common people are not aware that the so called covid "vaccination" that is happening under our eyes is actually a true and real genocide, that is in their opinion we are in front of terrifying criminal medical actions that violates the Nuremberg's Code (PDF, 0.1 MB).
For the unconscious mind the message is the following: "the hole of the white rabbit (the one of "Alice in wonderland") is a true war with fake news (JPG, 0.5 MB), where all can change in an overwhelming way (PNG, 0.2 MB), and the change that is coming is resumed in this animated picture (GIF, 0.8 MB)"; and for the conscious mind the message is a bunch of fundamental questions about the safety, the effectiveness, and the necessity of these so called covid vaccines: "graphene oxide? (PDF, 16.9 MB); neurotoxicity? (PDF, 2.9 MB); damages? (PDF, 1.7 MB); risks? (PDF, 9.2 MB); "green" agenda and reduction of CO2 emissions through depopulation? (PDF, 3.7 MB) (MP4, 0.5 MB) (MP4, 0.7 MB) (MP4, 0.3 MB) (MP4, 0.5 MB) (MP4, 0.7 MB) (MP4, 0.6 MB); consequences? (PDF, 4.2 MB); data falsification? false positive cases? fake alarms? false diagnoses of fake covid, and hence wrong or inadequate or delayed therapies, and therefore deaths caused by defective medical protocols and then fraudolently classified as covid deaths? (PDF, 5.0 MB)"; and finally, to conclude, I end with some important information in Italian language about Italy (PDF, 18.4 MB).
Not yet awakened? Ok, let's avoid panic, because we are watching a scary movie, and being the "underground" reality probably even worse, in order to be useful to ourself and others we need to become alert and rational as soon as possible, or, at least, to replace fear with faith.. for those who still are stuck in this very peculiar and pathological hypnotic trance, it can be beneficial to know that the only way to awaken from such trance is to worsen the nightmare at such a point that our unconscious mind itself will then force us through a very rude but effective awakening and liberation.. in fact, unfortunately, certain very bad or unbearable things cannot be explained nor believed, and people must live them in first person; in other words, the great deceivers are being forced into the light for all to see their deception on full display.. this is the show that is going on; about it, here is to you some scenes and actors of this rather biblical movie: "we put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in history of American politics" (Joe Biden, Dem-party candidate for the 2020 presidency of the United States) (MP4, 717 KB), and "we know that double-vaccinated, fully vaccinated people are much more likely to get and so carry coronavirus" (Grant Shapps, Member of the British Parliament) (MP4, 1992 KB), and the so-called covid "vaccines" maybe are the problem, not the solution (PDF, 46 KB), and if this is the case then those who deliberately kill people certainly deserve the maximum punishments (PDF, 597 KB).
The covid "vaccination" in EU is expressly regulated as optional in a legal document on the Eur-Lex portal of the European Union, where the freedom of choice is published in 23 different languages; actually, there are 24 translations, but the Italian one is wrong and deceiving, because in this case the faculty of refusing the "vaccine" has been omitted and therefore deleted as if it didn't exist (PDF, 252 KB); Italy has also decriminalized the murder by covid "vaccine" after a case of death certainly caused by the "vaccine", which can be lethal for healthy asymptomatic people (PDF, 510 KB); nevertheless, this at-all-costs vaccination policy must be reviewed, because the risk-benefit ratio is not good enough, in fact the risks are of the same order of magnitude as of the benefit, and every three individuals that avoid a covid death there are two that are killed by the "vaccine", and in average 100'000 vaccines save 2-11 subjects but kill 4 and seriusly harm 16 (PDF, 254 KB); unfortunately, the so-called "vaccine" delivers in certain ways the spike protein, that is a very harmful and dangerous biological weapon, and the whole covid handling seems very controversial; hence it would be a good thing to meditate personally and privately on the available information (PDF, 8.3 MB), and maybe to go a little deeper (PDF, 6.7 MB).
Just to clarify possible doubts, my joke (april fool) about the ship locked in Suez consisted of the fact that the joke was not at all a joke, because many news are false, but the war where we are in is true: in fact the Suez blockage is a military operation (PNG, 56 KB), and the only television news that talked about it has been the Turkish channel Mavigazetem (PDF, 5 MB); in addition, for those who don't know, in the Maricopa county of Arizona (and now also in other counties of other states of the USA) there is in progress an audit of voting ballots that could certify Trump as legitimate president and decertify Biden as illegitimate president, and consequently, in order to contribute to dehypnotize those who still are unaware of the fact that world-changing events are about to happen, I have collected a little further details (PDF, 2 MB).
At this link: hypnonsense.
There are several very suspicious deaths that I have listed in a document at the end of this post; one of the most recent of such deaths happened on Wednesday 17 March 2021, when John Pombe Magufuli, President of Tanzania, has died from a heart illness at 61. His sudden death has raised many questions including whether Tanzania's President was assassinated for his opposition against Big Pharma and the WHO and their global push for vaccines. Many felt his so unexpected death to be connected to his provocation to the global Covid industrial complex since May 2020, when he covertly had non-human samples (from fruits, goats, sheep, and car oil) tested for Covid on the PCR test, returning positive results from a paw-paw, a quail, and a goat. Magufuli exposed the evident fraud of PCR testing that the WHO relied on to justify global lockdowns, terror, and mass vaccinations, and then he suspended the head of Tanzania's National Health Laboratory, Nyambura Moremi, and formed an investigative committee. The EU offered 27 million Euros to impose strict Covid lockdown in Tanzania, but Magufuli, along with the Presidents of Belarus and Burundi, kicked the WHO out of his country; Tanzania took the money, then declared the country coronavirus free. In addition, the President of Madagascar accused the WHO of offering a $20 million bribe to poison their local COVID-19 remedy; this caused some anger in Europe, but Africans are increasingly fed up of western colonialism. Magufuli was born in Tanzania's northwestern Chato district, on the shores of Lake Victoria, where he grew up selling milk and fish to support his family. He knew what it means to be poor. He was awarded a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Dar es Salaam and also spent some time studying at Britain’s University of Salford, and in politics he earned the "bulldozer" moniker, which helped him to victory in October 2015 as Tanzania's fifth president. He was married with five children. As PhD and chemist, he also declared that vaccines didn't work and were dangerous, and that some of them were covertly meant to promote infertility without consent and knowledge. Magufuli kept Tanzania businesses open, and refused social distancing and masks. While doing so, Tanzania had very few "cases" or deaths from Covid. During Magufuli's first mandate, the World Bank in 2020 promoted Tanzania into the group of "middle income country" five years ahead of the projected schedule; Magufuli built in Tanzania the best electric railway of all Africa, expanded free education, built rural electrification and also a hydropower dam set to double electricity output, renewed the national airline, slaughtered corruption and plundering of Tanzanian resources through a raft of laws for increasing Tanzania's stake in its mineral resources and to heavily back tax foreign mining companies, and downplayed Covid. His death is a win for imperialists who will stop at nothing until they control Africa. He was a true leader who had the interests of his people at heart. To truly understand how great Magufuli was, one would have to be Tanzanian. Magufuli also rejected a $10 billion loan from China, banned Government officials from foreign trips, and radically cut back both the size of his cabinet, their salaries, and his own salary. He also fought foreign gold mines and accused them of extensive criminal corruption. Magufuli had last appeared in public on 27 February 2021, that is few days before the last time he was seen, and was unveiling a massive road project in Dar es Salaam, and instructed government officials not to even think of using Covid as an excuse to delay the development of this absolutely critical infrastructure project. The negative coverage of Magufuli is a very recent phenomenon. Early in his Presidency he even received glowing write-ups from the Western press and Soros-backed think tanks, praising his reforms and calling him an example to other African nations. But all that changed when he spoke out about Covid being hoax. When he was re-elected in October 2020, the standard Western accusations of "voter suppression" and "electoral fraud" appeared in the Western press which had previously reported his approval rating as high as 96%. And the anti-Magufuli campaign increased momentum in the new year, with Mike Pompeo initiating sanctions against Tanzanian government officials as one of his final acts as Secretary of State. The sanctions were notionally due to "electoral irregularities", but the obvious reality is that it's due to Tanzania's refusal to toe the Covid line. In conclusion, the opposition to the covid propaganda may be lethal, as you can better see in this short report.
- (2021.02.27) - MIAOW! MIAOW!
No, it's not a miaowing of a cat, but instead my acronym that stands for "Military Intelligence Activated Operation Worldwide"; I believe that the probability of covid-19 being nothing more than a cover for what is really happening behind the scenes could be 99%, and in fact in my opinion we are now at a crucial point of an unbelievable hybrid global war, where the weapons in place (cyber-tools, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, undisclosed secret technologies, bio-terrorism, weather-attacks, and so on) are so unconventional that this war will probably decide upon whether we will go forward and down (toward an even worse slavery still based on human trafficking and harvesting, puppet governments, criminal medicine, absurd laws, mainstream systematic fake news, rigged financial systems) or, instead, backward and up (toward a better life and more freedom in a world where there is a place for everyone and not only for an elite of banksters and their ultra-rich friends that want to decimate the number of human beings by promoting wars, famines, pandemics, etc.).. in short, let's keep our hope and in the meantime let's actively protect ourselves in first person, because we have entered into an historic biblical time where at some point we will be somehow able to figure out and discover what kind of a destiny is looming in front of us.
- (2021.01.01) - HAPPY 2021 TO EVERYBODY!
Giant changes are occurring worldwide.. soon we will know more
2. Older news
- 2020: awakening from mass hypnosis (step 3 of 3): what if covid is a problem more economic-geo-political than health-related? (HTM, 7 KB).
- 2020: awakening from mass hypnosis (step 2 of 3): real size of the so called "pandemic" (HTM, 3 KB).
- 2020: awakening from mass hypnosis (step 1 of 3): analysis of deaths classified as "covid-19" (HTM, 4 KB).
- 2020: six months of sars-cov-2: total deaths (from 31 Mar 2020 to 26 Sep 2020) for each country (HTM, 18 KB).
- 2020: secure connection to the website (HTM, 1 KB).
- 2020: technically speaking.. (HTM, 2 KB).
- 2019 (HTM, 12 KB).
- report 144: significant reduction of dental plaque
- a chess master grasped the difference between psychology and hypnology!
- fridays for future?
- scientific update (2 of 2): new free collection of 2740 abstracts on hypnosis (see PHD here).
- scientific update (1 of 2): new free collection of 2516 abstracts on hypnosis (see PHD here).
- neverending hypno-bullshit
- the case 143 certainly changed its own biological functioning
- follow-up of the report n. 143
- consequences of the report n. 143
- report 143: spontaneous release of a somatized neurosis
- volume zero
- the hypno-encyclopedia.
- 2018 (HTM, 14 KB).
- the return of thomas sankara
- is european union about to split up?
- hypnological report (n. 142): an involuntary puzzling discovery
- the italian counseling suicide
- another chapter of the collapse of italy
- in memory of sergio marchionne
- a physician (my client) describes some differences between hypnology and psychology
- towards an even more holistic approach
- is curing patients a sustainable business model?
- professional hypnology school: new scientific manual
- hypnological report (n. 141): an un-curable physician
- welcoming 2018: universal visibility and improved speed!
- 2017 (HTM, 19 KB).
- the gift of the year: how to recover a fortune by using hypnotherapy
- hypnogenic italexit
- are suggestions lawful?
- mp3, that is (m)asquerade to the (p)ower of (3), not to say scam!
- hypnologic report (n. 140): three years of relief after two hypnology sessions
- hypnologic report (n. 139): the symptomins
- bad news for therapists, good news for hypnologists
- scientific update (28 May 2017): 2367 selected scientific abstracts on hypnosis (see the document PHD here).
- april fool?
- hypnologic report (n. 138): two birds with one stone
- it's time to awaken from hibernation
- hypnologic report (n. 137): the january healing
- 2016 (HTM, 18 KB).
- hypnology begins where psychotherapy ends
- who believes in psychotherapy?
- optimization of the access to the website
- hypnologic report (n. 136): hypnogenic hypnophilia
- hypnologic report (n. 135): endogenous neurophysiological control
- someone still calls it psychotherapy, but it will become a crime
- hypnogenic brexit!
- sheeple
- scientific update (27 Apr 2016): 2328 scientific abstracts on hypnosis (see the document PHD here).
- hypnologic report (n. 134): the holistic ballistocardiograph
- hypno-tribute to ennio morricone
- cheating practitioners? no, idiot clients!
- 2015 (HTM, 18 KB).
- hypnologic report (n. 133): a forearm at the center of attention
- and finally: who believes in psychological diagnosis?
- and again: who believes in psychological diagnosis?
- who believes in psychological diagnosis?
- hypnologic report (n. 132): hypnotic activities of a slumbering person
- the italian supreme court forbids even magistrates to impose a psychological help
- in hypnology the psychological talking has no value, or, worse, it's an obstacle
- scientific update (27 may 2015): 2159 abstracts on hypnosis (see the document PHD here).
- in hypnology the so-called mental disorders are useless theories
- also milton erickson has been unjustly attacked by unethical psychotherapists
- hypnologic report (n. 131): the discovery of hypnology
- ericksonian hypnology has departed from psychology decades ago
- 2014: hypnology can improve the quality of life without any therapy (TXT, 1 KB).
- 2014: to analyze the infancy is ridiculous because the childish understanding has gone (see case n. 130)
- 2014: after years of useless psychology, a non-psychological (hypnotic) approach greatly ameliorated life (see case n. 129)
- 2014: bye-bye forever, psychotherapy! Also in Italy hypnotherapy is now a distinct profession (PNG in Italian, 51 KB).
- 2014: consumer protection: hypnotherapy is not psychotherapy and vice versa (PNG, 10 KB).
- 2014: after useless and costly psychotherapies, a training in hypnosis has been very useful (case n. 128).
- 2014: towards a more sustainable health system: the United Nations promote yoga (JPG, 34 KB) (PDF, 115 KB).
- 2014: Erickson mocks psychiatrists and psychologists about hypnosis (MP3, 1.6 MB) (GIF, 25 KB).
- 2013: hypnotherapists are persecuted by the Italian "psicoglioni" (GIF, 8 KB).
- 2013: Italian magistrates under the scrutiny of the European Commission (GIF, 24 KB).
- 2013: in memory of Bruce Lee: "be water my friend!" (flux and adapt) (GIF, 228 KB).
- 2013: Italy doesn't execute judgments from Strasbourg (PNG, 82 KB).
- 2013: European Court of Justice subdues "orders" to competition (PDF, 54 KB).
- 2013: Italy recognizes non-licensed "intellectual" practitioners (PDF in Italian, 1.5 MB).
- 2012: is Monti's government hindering the access to the professions? (PDF, 58 KB).
- 2012: Italy decrees that hypnotherapy is not psychotherapy (PDF in Italian, 277 KB).
- 2011: meeting in Brussels for free competition in EU market (PDF, 221 KB).
- 2011: meeting in London on hypnosis and psychosomatic medicine (PDF, 82 KB).
- 2010: doctors and therapists know hypnosis poorly (PDF, 79 KB).
- 2010: hypnosis increases self-defense abilities (PDF in Italian, 55 KB).
- 2010: hypnosis is innocuous and beneficial (PDF in Italian, 58 KB).
- 2009: psychology spreads lies about hypnosis (PDF, 67 KB).
- 2009: my public conference on clinical hypnosis (PDF, 209 KB).
- 2008: studies on hypnotic trance (PDF in Italian, 79 KB).
- 2008: hypnosis in medicine (PDF in Italian, 81 KB).
- 2007: hypnosis in oncology (PDF in Italian, 70 KB).
- 2006: hypnosis for pain control (PDF in Italian, 83 KB).
- 2005: the science knows little about hypnosis (PDF in Italian, 77 KB).
- 2005: antidepressant trainer (GIF, 658 KB; GIF, 175 KB).
- 2005: anxiolytic trainer (GIF, 661 KB; GIF, 188 KB).
- 2004: board-certified hypnotherapist (GIF, 239 KB).
- 2003: my first public conference on hypnotherapy (PDF in Italian, 569 KB).
- 2002: clinical hypnotherapist and hypnoanalyst (GIF, 272 KB).
- 2002: certified hypnotherapist (GIF, 206 KB).
- 2002: member of an UK professional association (PDF, 2.2 MB).
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