(27 Dec 2016). Milton H. Erickson, whose name is exploited by many psychotherapy schools all over the world, actually has always despised every school of psychotherapy, as I have already reported (see 09 Nov 2016). But this is only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, Erickson also stated that, in his opinion, psychotherapy is practically useless (see for example here [1 KB]), and that hypnotic psychotherapy is even worse (see for example here [2 KB]). Indeed, it seems to me that psychotherapeutic hypnosis is too similar to stage hypnotism (see for example here [23 KB]), and, unfortunately, I think that the same holds true also for hypnotherapy (see for example here [84 KB]), and therefore I believe that Erickson had good reasons for showing some criticism also toward hypnotherapy (see for example here [1 KB]). All of this pushed me, in 2005, to establish my professional hypnology school, also because, in my opinion, even the Ericksonian approach has two flies in the ointment (compromising defects): 1) Erickson's personality, as Erickson in person confessed when he was 57 years old, and 2) Erickson's physical handicaps, which prevented him from discovering the most important part of hypnotism.
(09 Nov 2016). This is a very uncommon post (and probably as surprising as the election of Donald Trump in the USA which happened today!), so it is better for you to read the text slowly and carefully with an open mind, in order to give to yourself the opportunity of meditating deeply on its true meaning and consequences. As I have previously reported, there is no scientific proof of the existence of any mental disorder (no blood tests, no objective exams, no confirmation measures), and therefore any so-called mental disorder is actually a mere description of a behavior; the logical consequence is that the so-called psychological diagnosis should be called not a diagnosis (e.g. "the x-rays prove that you are ill") but a nocebo effect (e.g. "believe me, you are not normal and you need my help"); as you can easily evince from this point of view, considering the emotional pains as disorders (instead of as absolutely normal and unavoidable components of life) is a plain personal conviction and nothing more; a confirmation of this reasoning comes from the fact that all schools of psychotherapy yield quite the same results; in other words, the type of therapeutic approach is clearly irrelevant, and therefore the logical consequence is that it is a placebo effect and not a therapy; in addition my question is: how can one even just think to try to validate a technique that claims to cure a mental disorder whose existence is not confirmed? In summary, it appears very plausible that psychology is seriously invalidated by a nocebo suggestion improperly called psycho-diagnosis ("you are mentally disturbed", which is fully unproven), and by a placebo suggestion improperly called psycho-therapy ("with my help you will become normal", which is fully unproven as well); the conclusion is that the validity of psychological diagnosis and psychological therapy is imposed by law, but scientifically it is unproven; the pioneer of this opinion has been Milton H. Erickson, who indeed despised all schools of psychotherapy (see for example here [221 KB] and here [26 KB]), and indirectly also psychology and psychiatry (see for example here [99 KB]). Hypnology holds these same empirical beliefs (for a scientific introductory material see here [103 KB]), and as such hypnology despises as well every school of psychotherapy and their psycho(patho)logical theories. Such position is confirmed more and more by many personal hypnotic experiences of my clients, whose life improved significantly and quickly without any therapy.
(31 Oct 2016). The web address "www.ipnosi.pro", currently parked under "www.altor.org" will be completely absorbed into "altor.org", and therefore within few days it will be no longer available because it is redundant.
(28 Sep 2016). For brevity I put client's words between quotes, and mine in parentheses. "I have read on your website that people merely pretend to obey to suggestions (yes, in fact people resist to any coercion).. that's exactly why I came into your office.. a psychologist gave me many advices which however I did not follow, and then I had to put on headphones and listen a relaxing music while the psychologist was speaking into a microphone and repeating: 'sooner or later you will enter into a hypnotic trance.. my therapeutic words will be more and more helpful at each session'.. then I gave up because I had spent a lot of money without any result, so here I am.. because you have a non-psychological approach.. (hypnology is founded on the idea that..) I know, there are no diagnoses and no cures.. (the idea, already put in evidence also by Erickson since 1952, is that the personality cannot be modified in any way by the words).. do you mean by the suggestions? (of course.. and therefore, if words change nothing, then it means that they have at best a cultural and social value, that is intellectual but not curative value.. consequently, for me the so-called talking therapy doesn't exist, and I consider it a childish superstition, like magic spells in fairy tales).. this opinion of yours fascinates me.. go on.. (maybe it's even more fascinating the trance which you are now in.. but do you believe in my words, or actually you know that you are in hypnosis?).. boh, I feel as usual, except the fact that I feel no longer my legs, and I'm having fun.. (to lose sensibility in your legs.. is that amusing?).. for me it is, because I suffer psychosomatic pains, and now, on the contrary, I feel well.. why? (it's a matter of hypnophilia!).. liking for hypnosis? (that's it).. but is that the reason why the psychologist has been useless? (useless maybe for you, just as for almost all my clients.. but we cannot generalize.. in fact who is at ease with a psychologist probably won't go to the hypnologist.. the unconscious immediately notices the difference).. what difference? (for example the one that brought you here.. in fact you did learn Italian unconsciously by yourself when you were two years old, while consciously you had to wait to reach the age of six for undergoing the suggestions of your teacher of Italian language.. they are two different worlds, and so they should stay, because each of them has its unmistakable characteristics..)". At that point the client's somnambulistic trance was quite deep. For reasons of ethics I prefer to truncate here the report because I want to protect the reputation of the psychologist.
(16 Aug 2016). A man came in my office saying: "I'm under treatment because of Parkinson's disease, and I would like to try also hypnosis"; since this person was insisting that hypnosis is a therapy, at some point I started to repeat continuously the following statement: "you should become aware of the fact that hypnosis is not a cure", and after many repetitions I told him again the same words while I was looking at my wristwatch, and then I used my calculator in order to execute certain operations. At that point the man asked what I was doing, and I replied: "based on my chronometric evaluation and my calculations, I esteem that I have told you more than two hundred and fifty times that hypnosis is not a therapy"; the client smiled and asked to be formally trained in self-hypnosis; during the hypnotic training he succeeded in stopping almost completely the tremors in his hand, and near the end of the third session he told me: "now I reveal you a secret which has nothing to do with my hand.. I do know that my neurological disease cannot be stopped, and therefore despite my hypnotic control of my hand I understand that there are limits.. but the true surprise has been that I have no longer the fear of darkness.. now I can state that with certainty because I experimented a lot during the whole past week.. you know, I even entered in my cellar in the middle of the night, and I had no fear at all.. that's incredible.. I have never talked about this with anybody because I had that problem since my infancy, and I always felt ashamed for that, but now I can talk about that because I cannot have fear of darkness any longer, and I cannot figure out how this is possible.. I'm astonished.. how did I heal?". Since the client was particularly insistent, I told him the following: "the answer is simple: if a bird is kept into a cage, at the end it will believe that to fly is a disease". He reacted to these words with an intense amazement and a brief deep trance, and then he began to laugh, and finally told me: "here with you the surprises never end.. I don't know why, but.. now I don't give a shit about why my fear has disappeared". My comment was: "I am not interested in mental masturbations.. I am a hypnology practitioner, and I don't want to repeat this 250 times!".
(27 Jul 2016). I'm talking about the recent Italian proposal of law (n. 2402) which states that "whoever, while practicing as psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, therapist, clinical counselor, counselor, psychological counselor, welfare worker, educator or pedagogist, makes use on underage people of activities aimed to convert the sexual orientation is punished with imprisonment up to two years and with the fine from 10'000 to 50'000 euro". In short, the conversion therapy on homosexuals is now seen no longer as a therapy but as a crime against vulnerable individuals. By the way, also the so called ADHD (Attention Deficit - Hyperactivity Disorder) is now regarded by some experts as another form of violence against normal children; therefore, it seems legitimate to wonder how much part of psychotherapy is acceptable. In fact, as written by MH Erickson long time ago, "one may consider the few troubled people who are benefited by psychotherapy of all kinds and the countless numbers who, while also having problems, still succeed without therapy". From all of the above one can logically infer that psychotherapy probably is not satisfactory, at least in certain cases, simply because a psychotherapist cannot cure something that actually doesn't exist. Consequently, a non-diagnostic and non-therapeutic approach (aka hypnology) can be far superior but also a lot more difficult, because it is based not on psychological theories but on unique real people.
(25 Jun 2016). In 23 June 2016 the Great Britain choose (through a referendum) to leave the European Union in order to become more free and independent, and the next day the Italian stock market has lost more than 12%, which is the worst historical performance of all times. The growing wave of change is flooding rigid and hopeless countries like Italy, and this is only the beginning of the hypnotic shock.
(25 May 2016). "Sheeple" are people that behave like sheeps. Such individuals are psycho-passive, naive, and they wrongly and uncritically believe in the as much apparent as nonexistent power of suggestions and behavioral advices, and therefore they have the tendency to let other people command and exploit them. This concept has been magnificently explained by a famous dictator (therefore by someone who was really expert in the matter), that in 1945 said: "I didn't create fascism: I got it out of the unconscious of the Italian. Otherwise they would have not followed me for twenty years. [..] I'm sure that historians and psychologists will wonder how a man has been able to carry with him for twenty years people like the Italian. [..]. Others maybe will be able to dominate with iron and fire, not with the consent as I did [..]. Rigorously speaking I have been not even a dictator because my commanding power was perfectly coincident with the willingness to obey of the Italian people". Hypnology helps people to recognize that the so-called suggestion is technically an absolute bullshit (or, in the worst cases, a sort of scam or an exploitation of the popular gullibility), and moreover it can also damage or hinder individuals when it limits their right to auto-determine themselves.
(27 Apr 2016). The new free collection of 2328 scientific abstracts on hypnosis is available (see the document PHD here).
(25 Mar 2016). A girl came into my office saying:: "I'm under treatment for my insomnia.. doctor P prescribed some drugs and I'm also undergoing psychotherapy with him, but I'm not satisfied, and therefore I would like to add some holistic, natural tool, because therapies are not enough"; since the girl was already quite aware of the nature of my hypnotic training, I shifted quickly to the hypnologic training, and in order to further deepen her unconscious understanding of hypnosis I started to explain what is a ballistocardiograph; after a while she asked me what has that instrument got to do with hypnology, and I replied: "in my profession no instrument or device is used, but there are some special ballistocardiographic data suggesting that holistic hypnotism, contrary to medical and psychological hypnotism, does have an acceptable scientific foundation.. about your personal hypnosis, before the end of the session you will find your answer without any need of my help", and I went on with my description of the ballistocardiograph, while warning her that such description was doomed to become more and more technical and focused on the holistic implications; after several expressions of skepticism and then of calmness, at some point the girl showed a smiling expression and said: "now I'm feeling completely asleep, but nevertheless I'm seeing you and I'm talking to you, and I'm feeling here and present with you.. it's an incredible situation, it's like being sleeping and also alert at the same time.. I never felt an impression like that.. I'm experiencing an extraordinarily intense sensation of total calmness.. I love it". During the next session she told me that her life had improved a lot, and moreover she was sleeping better, and therefore she now wanted to learn how to prolong and deepen that type of trance; during the third and last session she wanted to demonstrate in front of me what she was able to do with hypnosis [details omitted for privacy], and after my supervision she also told me that even her physician asked her some questions about that "hypnotic training" and manifested a considerable interest in it.
(29 Feb 2016). Yesterday night the legendary Italian composer Ennio Morricone won the 2016 Oscar prize for the best original score (the soundtrack of "The Hateful Eight"); the hypnotic part of this tribute consists in underscoring that Morricone, born in 1928, had to wait until 2016 for getting the Oscar despite his incredible success since many years. Common people are unable to understand why this process is profoundly hypnotic, but within few years hypnology will reach its complete development, and a new and a-lot-healthier lifestyle will arise and spread.
(29 Jan 2016). Recently, a client of mine started, near the end of the session, a verbal attack against a practitioner: "you know, that psychologist made me hear a recorded voice.. the voice was telling that I was relaxing and that I was entering into a special state of consciousness, and that the subconscious was working in a beneficial way, and so on.. but I got nothing.. the psychologist asked me to be patient, because the results are unconscious, and therefore the consciousness cannot see them but they are in place.. in this way I have wasted 50 pounds.. what a scam.. then I came here for the hypnotic training, and.. wow, it's another world!". Hence I commented: "excuse me, you continue to attack the psychologist, but, in your opinion, how many persons would accept to pay 50 pounds for listening to a recorded voice?". Her answer was: "that's right, it's my fault, I have been really stupid".
Copyright © Alberto Torelli. All rights reserved. REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED.