Cases | REPORT

72. Tinnitus

PERSON: woman.
DESCRIPTION: intractable tinnitus, surgery contraindicated, ozone therapy useless; "incurable tinnitus" associated to a neurosensorial excessive hearing (sometimes actually an invalidating phonophobia); loss of 70% of the auditory ability in the right ear after cranial traumata.
APPROACH: strengthening hypnosis, symptom amelioration; construction of the pleasure of hearing her sounds (tinnitus) like a personal music coming from herself; shift of her tinnitus from one ear to the other (in hypnosis), inversion of the manual protection of the ear (defensive occlusion by finger of the left ear [the healthy one] instead of the right ear).
RESULT: ear proprioception restored permanently; tinnitus lowered from 10 to 7; excellent increase of subject's tolerance of noises; social life normal again; appearance of armpit sweating (never had before); profuse transpiration also on her hands and face (probably a release of emotional blocks); tolerance even for the infernal noises produced by me in the office.
UPDATE (2 months): satisfactory control of her tinnitus.

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